10 Reasons to Vote Lib Dem

Leicester's three Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidates launched their campaign today in sunny Leicester Town Hall Square, giving 10 reasons to vote Lib Dem.
1. No tax on the first £10,000 you earn
The Lib Dems would cut tax for middle and low earners by raising the initial tax threshold to £10,000, paid for by closing tax loopholes for the super-rich and imposing a 'mansion tax' on houses worth over £2m. We would also abolish the unfair Council Tax. Labour, under Brown, put up taxes for low earners.
2. Better opportunities for our young people
The Lib Dems would give our young people the best possible start in life by cutting infant class sizes to 15 and introducing a 'pupil premium' to boost funding for schools which teach disadvantaged children. Money would be found by ditching Labour's wasteful Child Trust Fund and reforming tax credits.
3. Using green jobs to boost the economy
The Lib Dems would invest in new jobs for a low carbon economy, offering bursaries and apprenticeships in the required trades and professions. We will put large scale investment in renewable energy creating jobs and providing secure energy supplies.
4. Clean politics and fair votes
The Lib Dems were campaigning for the reform of MPs' expenses long before the media broke the story, opposed by Labour and the Conservatives. We would push through strong reforms to restore trust in parliament, create a fairer voting system, and let voters sack their MP if necessary.
5. Proved right on Iraq - better foreign policy
The Lib Dems were the only party to oppose the war in Iraq and demand an inquiry afterwards - Brown and Cameron both voted for a war which cost £6 billion and 100,000 civilian lives. Why trust them on other foreign policy issues like Afghanistan and Gaza that need long-term peaceful solutions?
6. End unfair student tuition fees
The Lib Dems believe that students should be able to attend university regardless of how rich their family is. We opposed Labour when they introduced fees in 1998 and when they TRIPLED them in 2006 and we would phase them out. Labour and the Conservatives plan to increase fees after the election.
7. More police and no pointless ID cards
The Lib Dems would ditch Labour's pointless and expensive ID card scheme, including the invasive database of personal details. We would invest the money in extra police officers and youth workers instead.
8. High-speed rail, not more planes
The Lib Dems are opposing Labour's reckless support for airport expansion and calling for investment in high-speed and suburban rail links instead, including the Severn Beach line. Ever-increasing air travel is not going to be sustainable and alternatives and needed, especially for short haul trips.
9. Guaranteed waiting times for NHS care
The Lib Dems would guarantee maximum waiting times for treatment on the NHS or offer a free private alternative. We would also make hospitals accountable to local people and end Labour's crazy targets and internal market. Meanwhile, a leading Tory has branded the NHS as "a sixty year mistake"!
10. Building a liberal and diverse society
The Lib Dems believe in valuing all sections of our society and the contributions that they make. We have always been at the heart of campaigns for equality of opportunity, tolerance and fairness and we strive to support diversity and difference and to protect the civil liberties that 13 years of Labour have eroded.
Contact your Parliamentary Candidate:
Parmjit Singh Gill, Parliamentary Candidate for Leicester South. Website: parmjitgill.com, Email: psg@parmjitgill.com
Peter Coley, Parliamentary Candidate for Leicester West. Website: www.petercoley.org.uk/, Email coley4parliament@btinternet.com or call him on 0116 285 7408.
Ali Asghar, Parliamentary Candidate for Leicester East. Email: ali_asgharameer@yahoo.co.uk