101 Shut Down By Government

The 101 telephone line, which provides help and action on anti-social behaviour in the city is to close on 7th December, thanks to the withdrawal of funding from the Home Office.
The 101 partnership has been exploring options to continue to deliver elements of the service. As a result of closing the round the clock 101 service, 38 full and part time jobs will be lost.
Leicestershire Constabulary, Leicester City Council and the local authority partners who deliver 101, have announced that they hope to continue to work together to identify anti-social behaviour hot spots and joint action through the successful Inter-agency Community Safety Bureau (ICSB), established as part of the 101 service.
Lib Dem group Leader Cllr. Peter Coley said, "This news is disappointing for Leicester, and a blow to all those who used the successful service."
Cllr. Dale Keeling the Lib Dem Councillor for Freemen said, "Many of my residents have used the 101 service in the past, for once the Government had a good idea so what do they do when something actually works? shut it down!"