Animal Friendly Purchasing Policy

Ex-Freemen Ward Lib Dem Councillor, Carlym Sandringham attended the full council meeting held yesterday to ask for an update on the Animal Friendly Purchasing Policy.
Carlym's question to the Cabinet member for Environment and Sustainability was;
"Leicester City Council was the first Council in the country to adopt an Animal Friendly Purchasing Policy. Can I please ask the Cabinet Lead for Environment for an update as to the progress of the implementation of this policy including a plan of action and envisaged timescale of the first animal friendly products being used by the Council."
The reply from the Cabinet member stated that an officer is being hired to deal with the details of Carlyms question and would be in post by 9th Feb 2008.
Carlym, who as a City Councillor took part in helping Leicester City Council be the first in the country to adopt this policy when under a Lib Dem administration replied to the Cabinet member that she hoped he was committed to raising awareness of the policy.