Below Inflation Rate Council Tax

The Lib Dems have achieved a 'below inflation' council tax rise for a third year in a row and it will be one of the lowest rises in the country. The rate will be only 2.6%
Below are a few quick bullet points.
*We have extended free concessionary travel for senior citizens to include journeys into the county.
*We have put £2.5m of growth into adult social services, which includes £800 thousand for support of community services (which covers local community centres). And more money into care packages for the elderly and people with learning disabilities.
*Additional resources into the city's climate change strategy to protect our environment.
- £4.2m of growth into the Children's & Young Peoples department which including an increase for foster allowances.
Cllr Peter Coley the councils finance chief said. " I am pleased that we have been able to peg council tax rises down to below the level of inflation for the third year in a row. In doing this we have made efficiency savings and been able to protect front line services."