Best-Ever Council Tax Collection Figures

COLLECTION of Council Tax in the 2005/2006 tax year was the highest ever achieved by Liberal Democrat Led Leicester City Council.
Council Tax collection totalled 93.83% of the amount owed, while collection of non-domestic rates was 98.15%.
Also, collection of the debt outstanding at April 1st, 2005, almost halved Council Tax arrears from £12.2 million to £6.2 million, while non-domestic rates arrears were slashed from £3.8 million to £1.3 million.
The total amount owed to the council for all previous years now stands at £10.2 million in Council tax, and £2.8 million in non-domestic rates.
In addition to collection of arrears and current debt, the council has also collected £1.102 million Council Tax and £1.051 million non-domestic rates payable from April 1st this year, both more than 40% higher amounts than in previous years.
Said Cllr Peter Coley, Liberal Democrat Cabinet Lead for Finance: "These figures bode well for the 2006/2007 collection rate, and they justify the more positive approach we have taken to recovery.
"Successes include the highest ever collection of Council tax and non-domestic rates, a reduction in the level of gross Council Tax and non domestic rate arrears, and the highest level of advance payments for Council Tax and non-domestic rates."