Blowing in the Wind

Coleman Primary School, in Spinney Hills, has asked the City Council for planning permission to put up a 15-metre high mast on its playing fields in a bid to reduce energy costs and teach children about the environment.
The turbine will cost in the region of £27,000 - much of the cost will be met with various grants - The school could save between £500 and £1,000 a year in electricity bills.
Pending permission being granted by the council, the school hopes the mast will be put up early next year.
Cllr Mussa Saleh, one of the Lib Dem councillors for Spinney Hills said, "Well done to Coleman Primary for taking this environmentally-friendly initiative. This will help to teach their pupils to be aware of the environment and the problems we face."
Residents will have the opportunity to comment on the plan before it is voted on by members of Leicester City Council's planning committee in a few weeks time.