Care Homes Transfer raises more questions over care strategy
Lib Dems on Leicestershire County Council believe that the recent transfer of the last County owned Care Homes raises more questions about the overall strategy for the elderly being pursued by David Sprason CC, Cabinet Lead Member for Adults and Communities at the County Council.
- David Sprason's strategy of replacing care homes with personalisation and extra care is falling apart: the County will fail to produce anywhere near the 500 units of extra care facilities he promised.
- The recent EMCARE judgement shows the Mr Sprason's department is not paying a sufficient fee to support the local independent sector's running costs.
- The transfer of the last council run homes means that all of our 'eggs are now in one basket' and the council is entirely dependent on the independent sector.
Dr Sarah Hill CC spokesperson on Adult Social Care said: "Mr Sprason keeps talking about personalisation and the pressure to make savings but he needs to clarify how he is going to use the money from the sale as well as the annual £1m savings he is making from these care homes to deliver the extra care that he has promised. The pressure on services isn't going to go away and frankly his care strategy looks a little thin if he fails to provide the extra care."