Charges for Parking on Match Days are Cut

Charges to use Saffron Lane Sports Centre grounds for football match day parking have been cut in a move to encourage more people to use it.
Saffron Lane Sports Centre has allowed its car park to be used by visitors attending matches at the Walkers Stadium over the last six months.
In addition, the 300-space car park has also been open to both rugby and football fans on days when both the Leicester Tigers and Leicester City play at home.
The car park, which is available both to home and away supporters, has now dropped its parking charges from £5 to £3.
It is staffed from 1.30pm to 5.30pm on Saturdays, and from 6.30pm to 10.30pm for midweek games.
Local councillor Dale Keeling said, "I hope this move by the council will encourage more supporters to use Saffron Lane car park rather than park their cars in the surrounding streets."
For more information contact Marc Read or Kimberley Mills at Aylestone Leisure Centre on 0116 233 3040.