Eric Pickles approves Shepshed Incinerator
The decision by Eric Pickles to allow Biffa to build an incinerator in Shepshed will have a significant impact not only on Shepshed but the wider Charnwood area.
Helen Loydall CC, Lib Dem Planning spokesman said: "When the NPPF was brought forward, Mr Pickles suggested it was a way of handing power back to local communities on planning decisions. I believed that this means a decision taken locally by local elected councillors meant something.
But the system is still as top down under Mr Pickles as it was under Labour. In recent months too many decisions have been overturned on appeal in Leicestershire and the Liberal Democrats are very concerned about this trend.
My concern is that the ability of Mr Pickles to ignore the views of local communities and the decision of the Council will encourage developers to use appeals to get their controversial plans approved."