Euro funds to help smaller firms win public work

Euro funds to help smaller firms win public work
SMALLER businesses in Leicester will benefit from a successful bid for funding from the European Social Fund (ESF), which will help them take advantage of public sector contracts.
The ESF is contributing more than £152,000 towards a £347,000 project developed by Leicester City Council, aimed at making local public sector contracts more accessible to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs).
Supplier workshops will be held to inform SMEs about public sector procurement requirements. Development and support will be available, together with development of a network support tool.
An innovative programme of outreach support will involve business support agencies such as the Leicester Asian Business Association (LABA), The Leicester African Caribbean Association (LACBA), Business Link, the Chamber of Commerce and the Leicester Shire Economic Partnership (LSEP).
Cllr Roger Blackmore Leicester's Lib Dem Council leader said: "Smaller businesses are the backbone of the city's economy, accounting for around 95% of all private sector employment. These businesses are likely to provide most new jobs, so it's vital that they have fair access to public sector work. "Employing local suppliers is good for the city's economy, giving work to local people, who spend their money in the city economy."