Hydro Power for Leicester?

Leicester City Council says it may try to harness hydro-electricity from local waterways under plans to find new sources of power and Western Park Lib Dem Councillor Roger Blackmore is among those who have been asking the council to seriously consider hydro power for the City.
Cllr. Blackmore told local press: "The River Soar has great potential for this technology to be used. It would be great if it could be used close to the new science park close to the space centre, as it could also be an opportunity to attract a business to develop the technology there. Water power drove the industrial revolution, but we have got a bit lazy. If Cambridge can do it, where the water flow is sluggish, there is no reason why we can't do it in Leicester on a bigger river like the Soar."
Some of the City's weirs would need to be adapted or rebuilt to increase water flow in summer and ensure energy could be created all year round and in large quantities.
According to local press, the pilot project in Cambridge is a mini hydro-electric generator on the River Cam weir. The generator, which cost £292,000, produces enough electricity a year to supply dozens of nearby homes and amenities. A number of barrels have been put together close to the edge of the weir, and as the water is sucked downwards, the barrels turn to create electricity. An Archimedean screw system can also be installed in a weir to generate electricity. It works in the same way as a dynamo on a bicycle wheel. Water is diverted from above the weir, flows down the screw, turning it, and back into the river.