Ian Volunteers for the Special Olympics

Campaigner Ian Bradwell is urging other people to follow his example and get involved with the Special Olympic Summer Games, which will take place in Leicester in July 2009.
More than 1500 volunteers are needed to help with almost every aspect of running the games, from supporting the visiting teams to acting as officials, or helping with transport. Some are needed now to help with clerical duties, recruiting and organising other volunteers, and the marketing of the games.
Others will be trained to act as stewards and officials at the games, provide first-aid support, and help with catering and transport. Help will also be needed at all of the sports and accommodation venues, at the opening and closing ceremonies, and in the games village.
Ian Bradwell, who is himself disabled said, "This is a great event for Leicester and by volunteering you could play a vital part." Anyone who wants to find out more, and register an interest in taking part can download an application form from www.sol2009.com.
The 2009 Special Olympics National Summer Games will take place in Leicester from 25th to 31st July. Anyone who would like to contribute to the Lord Mayor's fund-raising appeal can ring the Lord Mayor's office on 223 2000.