Labour Give Go-Ahead For Velodrome Plans

The City Council's Development Control Committee has PASSED the plans for housing and flats to be built on the Velodrome site on Saffron Lane.
Cllr. Dale Keeling who spoke against the plans said, "This is disappointing news but the fight will go on to make sure the developers and City Council listen to residents concerns when building work starts." He went onto state that he plans to hold a meeting with planning officers and residents in the future to keep open the lines of communication.
Every Labour councillor on the panel voted in favour of the development. This has angered local residents as Labour candidates said they would oppose the plans if they got elected during the City elections a few months ago.
Dale Keeling said, "The Stadium Action Group ran a professional campaign against the plans, they are a credit to the community, well done!"
CHAIR (Labour) Councillor Bill Shelton Voted in Favour
VICE-CHAIR (Liberal Democrat) Councillor Suleman Voted Against
Labour Councillor Osman Voted in Favour
Labour Councillor Chowdhury Voted in Favour
Labour Councillor Desai Voted in Favour
Labour Councillor Sood Voted in Favour
Labour Councillor Joshi Voted in Favour
Labour Councillor Patel Voted in Favour
Labour Councillor Potter Voted in Favour
Labour Councillor Wann Voted in Favour
Conservative Councillor Mrs Chambers Voted Against
Conservative Councillor Bayford Voted Against
Green Councillor Follett Voted Against