Labour's Council Tax Hike

Council tax bills for residents across the City are set to rise by almost three times the rate of inflation.
Leicester residents could face a total increase of 6.1 per cent after Labour Councillors unanimously voted in their budget to put up the council's share of the bill by 4.95 per cent.
Cllr. Peter Coley, Liberal Democrat group leader, told local press, "This is probably going to be the highest council tax rise in the country. I'm not sure we can call that sensible." He went onto say that the increase should be no more than 3.9 per cent.
The Liberal Democrats put forward a separate proposal which was supported by the Conservatives but voted against by Labour. The proposal included a council tax rise of just 3.9%.
The Local Government Association has predicted an average council tax rise nationally of about 4 per cent this year.
Labour was attacked By the Lib Dems for its budget proposal which included a rise in Home Care charges and £75 thousand pounds for a new logo for the City Council.