Leicester West Labour MP Suspended

Three former Labour Cabinet ministers were last night suspended by the Labour Party over allegations they were prepared to use their position to influence Government policy for cash, including the Labour Party's Leicester West MP.
Leicester West MP Ms. Patricia Hewitt had been suspended pending a full investigation.
The decision was said to have been taken following last night's Channel 4 programme 'Dispatches'. The three Labour MP's were secretly filmed by an undercover reporter discussing the possibility of working for what they thought was an American lobby company.
Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party has said the reports in this morning's papers relating to former cabinet ministers apparently offering to lobby government in exchange for money "beggared belief." He went on to say, "Have they learnt nothing about the expenses scandal, about Lord Ashcroft? It's why I've always argued that we need to go far further than reforming MPs' expenses."