Lib Dem's Calls for increased security in the Parks

Steel safety rails and monkey bars worth £20,000 were stolen from children's play equipment at Western Park - in the latest in a spate of metal thefts from play areas across the city.
Police believe the thieves are trying to cash in on the rising price of scrap metal.
Western Park Lib Dem Councillors called for increased security in the park and all parks around the city, Cllr. Roger Blackmore told local press, "This is a dreadful thing to have happened at any time and is made worse by the fact we're coming up to the school holidays. We certainly can't afford this type of vandalism in the city's parks and I do think we have to particularly vigilant." He went onto say that It was quite reasonable that the park should be patrolled both in daytime and at night.
Anyone with information about the thefts should phone police on 0116 222 2222.