Nominated Neighbour Scheme

The is being piloted for pensioners in the Saffron area, hopefully if successful will be rolled out in other parts of the city.
This initiative has been jointed launched by Cllr. Dale Keeling and Carol Blackburn of the Police Community Support Group in order to help reduce distraction burglary and help older people and vulnerable members of our community to feel safe in their homes once more.
How it works:
1. A friend or neighbour will write the pensioners address onto the panel on their "Nominated Neighbour" Card.
2. When the pensioner has someone call at their home, whom they do not recognise, they will show them the card, which will direct the caller to their friend or neighbour.
3. The friend or neighbour will check their identity.
If you are interested in finding more information out this scheme please contact Dale on 079 666 29546 or Carol Blackburn on 0116 2706375.