NUS Funding Our Future pledge Signed by Peter Coley
The Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for Leicester West signed the NUS Funding Our Future pledge on top-up fees today.

Many Liberal Democrat MPs and PPCs have signed up to the pledge, including leader Nick Clegg MP, Shadow Chancellor Vince Cable MP, universities spokesperson Stephen Williams MP, schools spokesperson David Laws MP, Simon Hughes MP, Evan Harris MP, Paul Holmes MP, Sarah Teather MP and almost 300 other Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidates.
Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for Leicester West Peter Coley said, "The Liberal Democrat Party has a history of a strong stance against fees and I was pleased to sign the pledge to vote against any increase in fees in the next parliament and to pressure the government to introduce a fairer alternative."
Get in touch with Peter Coley either by email or call him on 0116 285 7408 or visit his website at