Older People's Views on Public Services Needed

Older people living in Leicester are being invited to give their views on public services by going along to Leicester City Council's Consultative Forum for Older People.
Lib Dem Cabinet Member for Housing and Chair of the forum Cllr Paul Smith said, "These meetings give residents the chance to tell us their views on a wide range of issues affecting their quality of life. "The forum is not just a talking shop - it takes people's views seriously and certainly contributes towards the improvement and development of services for older people in the city".
The forum meets every six weeks, with the next taking place on Wednesday 15th November.
Representatives of every city council department, and the local NHS primary care trust attend the meetings, as well as guests from other organisations including the police and public transport operators.
Recent topics considered by the forum include half-price bus travel, concerns about crime, and illegal parking in the city.
Presentations made to the forum include those on crime prevention, health advice, and ExtraCare - a new council-led housing complex designed for older people.
Wednesday's meeting takes place in B Block of the council's New Walk Centre, Welford Place, at 2pm. Light refreshments are provided before the meeting.