Ram Katha

The Liberal Democrats would like to Congratulate all the people, young and old who were involved with the "Ram Katha" by Shree Morari Bapu from the 15th of July 06 to the 23rd July 06 under the Auspicious of Jalaram Charitable Trust. There were over 50000 people from all over the world who attended the Katha over the 9 days.
At the same time the Rushey Mead Liberal Democrats would like to thank all the residents and the "Friends of Rushey Fields" who had campaigned very hard over the past years to save the very Green Field on which it was possible to park hundreds of cars of devotees who attended the 9-day festival. A special "Thank You and Well Done!" to all the organisers of the event who made it extra special by providing lunchtime meals, water, fruit and refreshments for all those who attended.