Save Our Post Office!

Residents across Leicester and Leicestershire are signing petitions and handing out leaflets as they battle Government plans to close 25 post offices across the county which is part of a nationwide cost-cutting programme.
Local Western Park Lib Dem Councillors have also joined the fight campaigning against the loss of the Henley Road post office. Councillor Roger Blackmore told local press, "This post office is very well used. It's very important to a lot of people, not only here in Western Park but throughout quite a sizable area of New Parks. There are a lot of older people living in the area to whom this post office is a vital lifeline."
Abbey Lib Dem campaigner Paul Smith said, "I've used the Bishop Street Post Office replacement in WH Smith and its appalling, I had to queue 30 minutes just for a stamp."
A period of six weeks has started for a consultation on the proposed post office closures.
Representations on the closures should be sent to:
Michael Partington,
Network Development Manager
Post Office Ltd
To sign a petition against the Henley Rd Post Office closure or obtain copies of the petition contact Cllr. Peter Coley on 2857408.