Shops Being Tested

Local police are continuing their efforts to catch underage drinkers in the Saffron and Aylestone Park areas. They will be carrying out test purchasing at local shops to see if they break the law by selling alcohol to someone under the legal age.
Nationally the Lib Dems revealed that over 1,000 children under 14 have been admitted to hospital in England for mental and behavioural disorders related to alcohol in the last year.
Leicester Magistrate courts will now be looking at the way this offence effects the local community and will take this into consideration when shop keepers re-apply for any licences that have been suspended or lost due to selling alcohol to children.
Resident and local campaigner Maria Franchi said, 'it is a disturbing reflection on society that after 12 years of this labour government that such a basic law to protect both children and the local community is so commonly flaunted. Is it any wonder that children failed by so many adults join gangs and become so feral while innocent working families and pensioners won't go out at night?"
Local Lib Dem City Councillor Dale keeling asked local police officers at the Saffron Forum and the local Ward Committee if they would 'name and shame' the shops that break the law. He said, "Binge drinking is becoming to common for teens, sometimes a drinking session can get out of hand and young people can become intoxicated quite quickly, even to the point of slipping into unconsciousness, I don't think they realise the serious health risk of binge drinking" He added that he was pleased that the local police were taking positive steps to stop children getting hold of alcohol.