Special Olympics

Leicester has been named as the city that will host the next Special Olympics National Summer Games in 2009.
Former Lib Dem council leader Cllr. Roger Blackmore told local press, "I'm delighted the bid which we took a lot of care in preparing has been successful. It's a tremendous boost for Leicester and will do wonders for the future of sports in the city generally."
The 2009 event programme is likely to feature around 21 sports, including swimming and sailing, kayaking, athletics, basketball, badminton, football, gymnastics, golf, judo and power-lifting.
Leicester will use the facilities in Rutland for the water sport events. All of the competing athletes will be based at Leicester University's new halls of residence in Oadby.
Leicester will need around 1,500 trained volunteers to work at the games.
Special Olympics GB currently serves over 8,000 athletes who participate in year-round sports training and competition programmes at local, regional, national and international levels.
Special Olympics Great Britain National Summer Games are held every four years. The last National Summer Games were held in Glasgow in 2005.