Stop Junk Mail

You can have your name removed from the mailing lists used by marketing firms.
It is straightforward and free. Visit the Mailing Preference Service website at and follow their registration procedures online. Or call them on 0845 703 4599.
Stoneygate Lib Dem councillor Rob Renold has advertised the Mailing Preference Service on his website and has had a good response from the public. He said " After you have registered with the MPS, your detail will be removed from 95% of direct marketing mailing lists. The effect should be immediate although the MPS say that it takes approx four months for the measures to take full effect."
You can also register your previous address with MPS or even the name of a previous occupier at your current address.
Although you should no longer receive unsolicited mail, you will continue to receive mail from companies with whom you have done business in the past. If you want to stop companies with whom you have done business in the past from contacting you, you must inform them directly.