Stronger Together, Poorer Apart: The Liberal Democrat Manifesto for Europe

A message from your Lib Dem European election candidates:
These days there are many issues that cannot be tackled just by taking action at home. Making a difference on climate change, international crime and the economy means that we have to work with our European neighbours to deliver effective international action.
That's just commonsense.
Sadly not all parties agree.
The Conservatives and UKIP want to isolate Britain from Europe. They have opposed international action to help cut crime, tackle climate change and help the economy.
That's just wrong.
With Labour's ineffectiveness in Europe and incompetence at home, more and more people are turning to the Liberal Democrats.
Liberal Democrat MEPs have a strong record of supporting international action on crime, the environment and the economy.
Thanks to European action backed by the Liberal Democrats, thousands of suspected criminals have been arrested. New laws have been passed to clean up our air and water. Thousands of new jobs have been created across Britain.
Working with our neighbours makes Britain stronger. Isolation will make Britain poorer.
In the European Elections on 4th June, only a vote for the Liberal Democrats will deliver international action that helps people across Britain.
The Liberal Democrat candidates for the East Midlands are Bill Newton Dunn MEP, Ed Maxfield, Denise Hawksworth, Deborah Newton-Cooke and David Perkins. There is more about the East Midlands Euro Election campaign at