Thumbs Up for Primary Schools

Primary schools in Leicester are improving at a faster rate than schools in other authorities according to the Department for Education and Skills' (DfES) Key Stage 2 league tables, which are published today (7th December).
Cllr Hussein Suleman, Cabinet lead for children's and young people's services said: "This is brilliant news. I'm very confident that the future is very bright for education in Leicester. This progress shows that all the strategies the authority now has in place, and the hard work of our schools, are paying off. This is good for our children, and good for Leicester".
Individual schools feature highly in the DfES lists of the best performing schools nationally. Barley Croft Primary School is an outstanding example - it is 22nd out of 100 most improved schools in the country. This is based on sustained improvement from 2003 to 2006.
Taylor Road, Wolsey House and Parks primary schools all feature in the top five per cent nationally. These schools have 'value added' scores that rate amongst the best when comparing pupil progress.