Velodrome Planning Application

Developers have put forward a scheme which includes 160 flats and 90 houses to be built at the velodrome site on Saffron Lane.
The new plans have significantly been scaled back after local residents and your local Lib Dem Councillors opposed the previous scheme, which included six-storey blocks of flats.
The new plans would include 54 one-bedroom flats and 106 two-bedroom flats in blocks that would be three and four storeys high. The 38 three-bedroom houses and 52 four-bedroom houses would also be two and three storeys high.
There would be access off Saffron Lane, with parking, open space and landscaping.
Ward Councillor Dale Keeling said, "I am pleased that the plans have been scaled down however I will still be opposing the plans."
If any Freemen Ward resident would like to oppose the new application then send your objections into Cllr. Dale Keeling, Town Hall, Town Hall Square, Leicester or Tel: 079 666 29546 or email them to