Velodrome Victory

The proposal for 400 homes on the velodrome site at Saffron Lane was rejected last night.
Freemen Lib Dem Councillors, Carlym Sandringham and Dale Keeling spoke against the plans for the velodrome at the Development Control Committee last night.
After making a short speech pointing out why the plans should be rejected, a Lib Dem proposal was put forward to throw out the plans - This was supported by all parties on the committee.
Cllr Dale Keeling said, "This is a victory for all those residents who have campaigned against such a proposal which was clearly over developed and out of character for the area.
The application was rejected for three reasons;
1. Over development of the site.
2. Inadequate car parking for sports events at the stadium
3. Impact of the massive six storey high block of flats on Saffron Lane.