Victory for Pensioners

Mrs Wilkinson becomes one of the first pensioners on the Saffron Estate to have the new french doors installed in her bungalow.
133 bungalows that were built on the foundations of the old boot houses were built without a back door - making it difficult for a disabled tenant to escape if a fire started in the front of the property.
A campaign was started some time ago by Saffron Pensioners to have a rear exit built - The campaign backed by their local Lib Dem Councillors Dale Keeling & Carlym Sandringham was successful. Now the rear window in the main room will be replaced with french doors.
Cllr Dale Keeling who supported the campaign and presented a petition signed by over 100 residents said, "Its been a long campaign by many residents that have kept this issue alive", he added, "The new doors Will give pensioners and disabled tenants more of a chance to escape in-case of fire."