War on Graffiti Continues

From Saffron Lane to Aylestone Road from there to Knighton Lane East and the surrounding streets, graffiti artists continue to strike. Lamposts, traffic boxes, street signs to the side of some homes, where ever there is space or not, no where seems to be free from the graffiti 'tag'.
Councillor Dale Keeling and local campaigner Allan Macaffery are urging the Council to use anti vandal paint on lamposts and street signs and has been in talks with the City Council's street warden service on how it can tackle the problem.
Dale Keeling said, "The biggest problem is getting the evidence to prove who the perpetrators are and actually catching them in the act." Allan Macaffery said, "Anyone caught daubing graffiti will face a £80 on-the-spot fine."
Councillor Dale Keeling is the Councillor for the Freemen Ward which covers Aylestone Park, Kirby Estate and the Northern part of the Saffron Housing Estate. To contact him call or text 079 666 29546.