West End Fly Tipping

City Councillor Roger Blackmore has called for an area in the West End to be monitored by the council to try and catch fly-tippers red handed.
Cans, syringes, car and bike wheels, vacuum cleaners are among the items discarded in Stretton Road in recent months. The land is at the back of Jessops on Hinckley Road. Although it is owned by the firm, council cleaning teams said they have visited to clean it up.
Some residents have complained about problems with rats, suggesting dumped food waste.
Cllr. Roger Blackmore told local press, "I'm very concerned about this. "It's one of those grotspots that have not gone away and I'm obviously keen to find some permanent solution to make it as unattractive to dumping as possible - but that's never easy. Once they get used to dumping somewhere, there's a tendency for people to come back. One of the things I'm anxious to do is ask the council's fly-tipping squad to see if they can keep an eye on it and see if we can catch the offenders."
Flytipping Statistics
Fly tipping costs the City Council over £300,000 a year to investigate and clear up.
From April 2005 - March 2006 7648 reported incidences of fly tipping were reported in Leicester.
Tax payers nationally are paying £2.5m a month to clean up dumped rubbish.