Winter Fuel Payment Motion

Spinney Hill Lib Dem Councillor, Mussa Saleh, placed a motion forward at the last full council meeting to ask the authority is to write to Tony Blair asking for the benefit of winter fuel payments to be increased.
This is in response to the Mercury's campaign and Age Concern, who have stated that elderly people were struggling to pay heating bills and were at risk of dying from cold-related illnesses.
Age Concern says increases are needed because payments have not changed since 2001, while fuel costs have risen.
Cllr Saleh said in his speech, "This particular cold snap that we are going through at the moment means that the elderly, frail and vulnerable are thinking twice about heating their homes and keeping warm. "Our energy companies have increased the cost of electricity and gas three times, and everyone will know their energy bills have increased enormously." He went on to say that the increase in pension for the elderly does not cover the increased cost of food, electricity, gas and the council tax bill. Nor does the winter fuel allowance currently paid.
The council unanimously agreed to support the motion to ask the Government to increase the annual winter fuel payment by £100.