I.D. Card Motion
Councillor Peter Coley, leader of the Lib Dem group will place a motion forward to Octobers full council meeting regarding I.D. Cards.
Councillor Peter Coley, leader of the Lib Dem group will place a motion forward to Octobers full council meeting regarding I.D. Cards.
Leicester South Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Parmjit Singh Gill joined Ian Bradwell and other members of the Leicester Access Group to see for himself the hidden dangers that could trip up visually impaired people in Leicester City Centre.
Local press has revealed that approx £400,000 was spent on food and drink for council staff and councillors last year. This included chocolate bars such as Kit Kats.
The Labour-run City Council will close the Energy Advice Centre in Market Place south following a cut in funding.
Having axed the chief executive and Town Clerk posts at the City Council at considerable cost to the Leicester taxpayer, Labour are now employing more consultants to draw up a new Council management structure.
The Liberal Democrats are looking forward to debating this motion at our Party Conference in September and local campaigner Ian Bradwell is looking for local views on this issue.