End Legal Loan Sharking Petition
Freemen Ward Councillor Dale Keeling is urging people to sign the on line petition against Legal Loan Sharks.
Freemen Ward Councillor Dale Keeling is urging people to sign the on line petition against Legal Loan Sharks.
On Tuesday 27th July, Liberal Democrat councillors used the last Cabinet session before the summer break to present their views on key issues affecting local people in Leicestershire:
Compensation has been paid to some residents by the Labour run Leicester City Council for not dealing with their complaints.
Liberal Democrats believe that everyone has the right to enjoy clean, safe water and unpolluted rivers, lakes, and coastlines. We are committed to ending the national sewage scandal and holding water companies accountable for their environmental impact.
Liberal Democrats have passed new policy to stand up for bereaved families and kinship carers, so more young people can grow up in a loving, stable home.
We are committed to tackling the challenges facing our music industry head-on. By doing so, we can maintain the UK’s reputation as a global leader in music, while giving future generations the chance to share in its success.